✅ Working | Undetected - BattlEye Bypass ✅
- Disable your Realtime-Protection and Download the File above.
- Extract the contents of the file and save it.
- Run the .exe file as administrator and login / register.
- Start your GTA without Battleye enabled.
- Load into singeplayer and inject the menu.
- Use the F4-Key or * on your Numpad to enable the menu ingame.
- Have Fun :)

To Disable Battleye head into your Rockstargames-Launcher Settings and uncheck the Box marked above. This works for all launchers. (Steam, EpicGames)
Under Steam, add the start argument "-nobattleye" and follow the step above.
Under EpicGames, add the start argument "-nobattleye" and follow the step above.